Sep 19, 2007

Prosit Katrine. You deserve it !

L-avukat Katrine Camilleri, li ilha taghti s-servizz legali taghha ghal dawn l-ahhar ghaxar snin lil persuni li jissugraw hajjithom fil-bahar tal-Meditterran biex isibu tama f'pajjizi ohra, ghadha kemm inghatat l-aktar Award prestigjuz tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti ghal hidma fost ir-refugjati, il-Nansen Refugee Award ghal 2007.

L-award huwa msemmi ghal Fridtjof Nansen, xjenzat, vjaggatur, umanista u simbolu tal-gdida biex ikunu mharsa r-refugjati fid-dinja.

Katrine Camilleri, ta' 37 sena llum hija avukat full-time mal-Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) tal-Gizwiti u hija simbolu ta' kuragg wara t-theddid li hi u l-familja taghha ghaddew minnu minhabba l-hidma taghha. Is-sena l-ohra disa' karozzi ta' nies vicin is-servizz tal-Gizwiti, inkluz dik ta' Katrine nghataw in-nar u sahansitra l-bieb tad-dar ta' Katrine nghata n-nar waqt li l-familja taghha kienet maqbuda gewwa.

Dawn l-attakki kienu ixxukkjaw lill-komunita' Maltija u kienu kkundannati minn hafna ghaqdiet, inkluz il-Gvern Malti.

Katrine, li ili nafha minhabba l-hbiberija tieghi u ta' Lourdes mal-Gizwiti Paul Pace u Pierre Grech Marguerat, li ukoll jahdmu mal-JRS, tghid li dawk l-attakki kissru s-sens ta' sigurta' taz-zewg ulieda imma imlewha bil-kuragg biex tkompli tahdem favur dawn il-persuni, li ghax huma holqien t'Alla bhalna, jixirqilhom l-akbar dinjita'. Is-servizz tal-UNHCR ikkwotaha tghid “I'm always impressed by how much hope they have and how much capacity in a sense, not only to keep hoping against hope, but to really make things happen.

Il-bierah hekk kif sirt naf, bghatt sms lil Katrine li kien jaqra hekk : "Katrine, Congratulations for winning the Award. You deserve it !" YOU DEFINETELY DO. PROSIT !!


Adrian said...

Ghaziz George,

Although I do not know Dr.Camilleri, I would also like to thank her and JRS for their services and work. May I suggest all the bloggers to visit the JRS site at

At the same time I feel as thou a number of Maltese are not appreciated by their fellow citizens , and it takes a foreign entity to recognize their effort. We should all know better...starting from myself.

PS: Prosit for the blog..a great way to reach us..environment friendly :)


brian said...

Dear George,

First of all well done for the blog.

Fantastic way of keeping an up to date day to day diary.

What Dr. Camilleri and JRS have been doing inspires some hope in a time where the racist attitude is overwhelming in our "catholic" society.

Re the fact that adrian points out that we don't appreciate our own "special" fellow citizens. I couldn't agree more. Sunday magazines are always full of thesame people when in reality Maltese history is being written by so many others who never make the news.
