Dec 18, 2007

They deserve a big pat on the back !

L-Editorjal ta' llum fuq l-Independent :

Whoever had the idea of a Christmas Village at the Ta’ Qali national park – and whoever implemented the instructions given to set up such a magnificent scenario – deserves a big pat on the back.

People who travel abroad in the weeks leading up to Christmas know that a Christmas village, where Yuletide traditions come to life, is set up in various major European cities, and even in the smaller ones. Thousands of locals and tourists visit them each and every year, some to buy gifts for their loved ones, other just to simply taste the Christmas spirit.

The cold and rain does not stop such activities and, with Malta having such a milder climate when compared to northern and central Europe, it was always a mystery that something of the sort was not held in Malta. After all, as a people, the Maltese enjoy celebrating Christmas.

This year, the Rural Affairs and Environment Ministry took the plunge, and organised a Christmas Village at the Ta’ Qali national park between 13 and 16 December. In doing so, it hit two birds with one stone. First of all, it filled the void of not having such an activity which, for a Catholic country like Malta, was something that was missing. Secondly, it made good use of an open space which has great potential.

Tiehu gost li xi hadd japrezza x-xoghol kbir li hadu n-nies fis-Segretarjat tieghi, dawk tal-PARK Unit u l-NGOs li ppartecipaw fost l-ohrajn. F'isem kulhadd : Grazzi Sur Editur !

Editorjal shih -

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