Oct 20, 2007

Grazzi Suha !

Illum fuq The Times kien hemm artiklu fuq Suha Arafat, l-ex mara ta' Yasser Arafat. Suha iddecidiet li tigi toqghod Malta ma' bintha Zahwa li llum ghandha 11-il sena.

Dan hu t-test ezatt tal-artiklu tal-gurnalist Mark Micallef:
"The place is great" she emphasised, praising the peace and democracy enjoyed in Malta.

"You really don't appreciate these things until you lose them and you Maltese should really be thankful for what you have. Many around the world hope they can one day live this sort of life."

Il-veru kaz li ahna li nghixu hawn niehdu kollox for granted u ftit li xejn naprezzaw dak li ghandna. Issa li pajjizna jghix f'liberta' shiha, fil-paci u f'demokrazija, bilkemm ma nahsbux li dawn kienu maghna minn dejjem. Huwa ghalhekk li kuljum ghandna nahdmu biex inzommu dak li ghandna anzi nsahhuh.

Suha grazzi hafna tal-kumment posittiv tieghek. Nispera li jkunu hafna l-Maltin li jiehdu nota !

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good story this. I didn't even know that Yasser Arafat's wife was living in Malta! Let's hope that she doesn't get back into Palestinian politics - for obvious reasons!