Jul 26, 2012

Storm in a teacup

Kmieni din il-ġimgħa l-Onor Leo Brincat sejjaħ konferenza stampa fejn bħas-soltu qabad ifajjar jakkuża  uffiċċjal fil-Ministeru tal-Finanzi li pprova jagħmel pressjoni fuq kumpanija tal-awdituri dwar l-audits tal-Kumpanija Wasteserv.  Verament ipprova joħloq “a storm in a teacup” fl-eqqel tas-sajf.  Irrefera għal ittra tal-Awdituri li nkitbet f’Jannar u li fiha l-Awdituri talbu aktar dettalji u nformazzjoni specifikament fuq l-assi tal-kumpanija Wasteserv sabiex ikunu jistgħu jaċċertaw bis-sħiħ bl-eżistenza u l-valur u tal-istess assi. 

Wara diversi laqgħat u f’konsultazzjoni sħiħa mal-Awdituri, inġabret l-informazzjoni meħtiega u wara verifiki necessarji, il-kontijiet finanzjarji tal-WasteServ ħarġu mingħajr ebda kwalifika mill-istess awdituri f’Marzu li għaddha.  Dan il-fatt stqarrietu l-kampanija tal-awdituri BDO stess.

Mhux veru li kif allega Leo Brincat ma kien hemm l-intenzjoni li l-awdituri jitpoġġew taħt pressjoni biex jibdlu l-opinjoni tagħhom dwar il-finanzi tal-kumpanija.  It-tieni lanqas mhu veru li kif allega Brincat l-kumpanija BDO tneħħew minn awdituri tal-WasteServ.  Kif stqarret il-kumpanija BDO stess, il-kuntratt tagħha ġie saħansitra mġedded għas-sena finanzjarja li jmiss.

Wara c-cahdiet cari u kategorici ta’ din l-allegazzjoni, liema cahdiet ma sarux biss mill-Gvern izda anke mill-kumpanija tal-awdituri stess BDO, jirrizulta b’mod car li l-allegazzjonijiet tal-istess Membru Parlamentari Laburisti huma nfondati.  Għaldaqstant joħroġ car li jew Leo Brincat għaġġel biex jakkuża mingħajr ma mar jiccekja l-fatti, inkella kellu l-fatti kollha iżda għażel li jqarraq. Għal darb’oħra każ ieħor ta’ inkompetenza politika u qerq mill-Opposizzjoni li kapaci biss tkisser u tkun vendikattiva.


Abela said...

Mr George Pullicino,

I was a diehard Nationalist until the PN never gave me the chance to succeed in my professional Field. Just like Maltese professionals. As the Environmental Management. I was one of the first people that wanted to introduce recycling in Malta back in 1994/1995. I visited local councils and spoke about recycling, I was one of the first people to discuss the Mara Power Station pollution problems and even tried to discuss other issues with Dr Zammit Dimech, but no one wanted to listen. Discussed training Emergency Response and other Occupational, topics way before the Cirkewwa tragedy where 3 people lost their life due to lack of planning and expertise.
How come you only take credit for all these things? AS far as the Maghtab closed it took years before anything done something about it.
Anyway I don’t understand why the PN always promotes non Maltese to lead just like Air Malta CEO. Tax Payers money and the EU that built it not you not your party. You sound like our President Mr OBAMA that said “You did not build it by yourself but the Government did”
During the 80’s and 90’s the PN brought the change needed for the country to move forward. Now, it’s time to flip the page over the PN has been too long in Power , certainly as far as Environmental Management you have done a lot but don’t take all the credit. The PN lost touch with the people.
As far as my career, I returned back to American and proudly Lead projects for the USAF, and other agencies that gave me the chance to prove myself. The Maltese Government never gave me the chance to prove myself. At least the PL and Dr Sant invited me and listened to my ideas, unlike your party that wants all the credit and the Glory.
If I had to Vote in next election definite I will for the PL and not the PN.
Simon Abela
PM Environmental Engineer
Dallas Texas USA

Abela said...


Abela said...
